- Head in the Clouds
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- Rainclouds over Destin Bay
Rainclouds over Destin Bay
A summer rainstorm, gathering. This painting was made on the beach, and the water was used to mix in with the paint, giving some areas a slight texture from pieces of salt and sand. The clouds have a liquid appearance, constantly changing and shifting; the paint was applied when the canvas was wet, and the paint drifted slightly over the surface before settling, adding to the liquid look. The sky was created in part by pouring cups full of sea water over the painting, allowing the water it to pick up pigment, and drift around the sky. This was done many times, to create multiple layers. The clouds were painted on top of these layers while the canvas was still wet, so the paint drifted slightly before they settled, giving the clouds a liquid look.
24" x 36"
Acrylic on canvas
Edges painted